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办 公 室:我校海韵园物机大楼685


PhD in Mathematics, University of California at Santa Cruz,2013/6


2018/8-present:Xiamen University, Associate Professor

2016/9-2018/7:Xiamen University, Assistant Professor

2013/8-2016/6:University of California at Riverside, Visiting Assistant Professor


Vertex Operator Algebra, Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebra and Mathematical Physics


Xiamen University

§ 2023 Fall: Abstract Algebra; Linear Algebra II; Mathematics in Natural Sciences I

§ 2023 Spring: Advanced Math for Liberal Arts; Linear Algebra; Xiamen University

§ 2022 Fall: Mathematics in Natural Sciences I; Abstract Algebra

§ 2021 Fall: Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra

§ 2020 Fall: Abstract Algebra

§ 2020 Spring: Linear Algebra 

§ 2019 Fall: Abstract Algebra

§ 2018 Spring: Linear Algebra

§ 2017 Fall: Abstract Algebra

§ 2016 Fall: Vertex Operator Algebra and its Representations

Xiamen University Malaysia

§ 2020/9-2021/2: Abstract Algebra (MAT 211online course)

§ 2019/4-201/8: Linear Algebra I (MAT 104)

§ 2019/4-201/8: Linear Algebra II (MAT 104)

§ 2017/4-2017/8: Linear Algebra (CST 102)

§ 2017/4-2017/8: Single Variable Calculus (FSC 104)

University of California at Riverside (2013/9-2016/6)

§ Math 8B: Introduction to College Mathematics for Sciences

§ Math 9A: First Year Calculus I

§ Math 9B: First Year Calculus II

§ Math 9C: Sequences and Series

§ Math 10A: Calculus of Several Variables

§ Math 22: Calculus for Business

§ Math 31: Applied Linear Algebra

§ Math 46: Ordinary Differential Equations

§ Math 133: Geometry

§ Math 140: Number Systems and Polynomials

University of California at Santa Cruz

§ Math 3: Precalculus (2012 Summer Session)


· The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11971396): 2020.01-2023.12.

· Research Fund for Fujian Young Faculty (Grant No. JAT170006): 2018.01-2019.12.

· The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11601452): 2017.01-2019.12.

· Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 20720170010): 2017.01-2019.12.



· D. Adamovic, C. Lam, V. Tomic, N. Yu, On irreducibility of modules of Whittaker type: twisted modules and nonabelian orbifolds, arXiv:2212.14137

· C. Dong, H. Li, F. Xu, N. Yu, Fusion products of twisted modules in permutation orbifolds, to appear in Transactions of the AMS,  arXiv:1907.00094


1. C. Dong, F. Xu, N. Yu,  Permutation orbifolds of vertex operator superalgebras and associative algebras, Science China Mathematics, 2023 (online).

2. F. Chen, S. Tan, N. Yu, Extended affine Lie algebras, vertex algebras and equivariant ϕ-coordinated quasi modules, Israel Journal of Mathematics, TBD (2023), 1–54.

3. F. Chen, H. Li, N. Yu, Irreducible modules of toroidal Lie algebras arising from ϕε-coordinated modules of vertex algebras, Journal of Algebra,  611(2022), 110–148.

4. H. Li, N. Yu,  On a family of vertex operator superalgebras, Journal of Algebra,  608 (2022), 290–324.

5. C. Dong, F. Xu, N. Yu,  S-matrix in permutation orbifolds, Journal of Algebra, 606 (2022), 851–876.

6. , C. Dong, F. Xu, N. Yu, Permutation orbifolds and associative algebras, Science China. Mathematics, 65 (2022), no. 2, 259–268.

7. D. Adamovic, C. H. Lam, V. Pedic, N. Yu, On irreducibility of modules of Whittaker type for cyclic orbifold vertex algebra, Journal of Algebra, 539 (2019), 1–23.

8. C. Dong, X. Jiao, N. Yu, 6A-Algebra and its representations, Journal of Algebra, 533 (2019), 174–210.

9. J. Hartwig, N. Yu, Simple Whittaker modules over free bosonic orbifold vertex operator algebras, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 147 (2019), no. 8, 3259–3272.

10. L. Li, N. Yu, $FI^m$ -modules over Noetherian rings, Journal of   and Applied Algebra, 223 (2019), no 8, 3436–3460.

11. C. Dong, F.  Xu, N. Yu,  The 3-permutation orbifold of a lattice vertex operator algebra, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 222 (2018), no. 6, 1316–1336.

12. C. Dong, F. Xu, N. Yu, 2-Permutations of lattice vertex operator algebras: Higher rank, Journal of Algebra, 476 (2017), 1–25.

13. L. Li, N. Yu,  Filtrations and Homological degrees of FI-modules, Journal of Algebra, 472 (2017), 369-398.

14.  C. Dong, F. Xu, N. Yu, 2-Cyclic permutations of lattice vertex operator algebras, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2016, 144(8), 3207–3220.

15. C. Dong, C. Jiang, Q. Jiang, X. Jiao, N. Yu, Fusion Rules for the Vertex Operator Algebra VL2A4 , Journal of Algebra, 423 (2015), 476–505.

16. C. Dong, N. Yu,  \mathbb{Z}-graded Weak Modules and Regularity, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 316 (2012), no. 1, 269–277.

17.  N. Yu, Class of representation of skew derivation Lie algebra over quantum torus, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 3 (2008), no. 1, 119–131.


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