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学术报告:Some progress in several classes of constrained matrix minimization and maximization problems with applications

       SpeakerDr. Weiwei Xu

                        Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Title:  Some progress in several classes of constrained matrix minimization and maximization problems with applications

       Time:10 July 2019, 10:00


Abstract:  In this talk we discuss some progress in several classes of constrained matrix minimization and maximization problems and their applications. We first look back their background and history and some existing results. Then we give our recent results about a class of constrained matrix minimization and maximization problems and its theoretical and numerical applications. Finally, we propose some related unsolved problems.

Speaker  Introduction徐玮玮,南京信息工程大学副教授;2005年于华南师范大学获得学士学位,2010年于华南师范大学获得博士学位,同年进入中科院数学与系统研究院博士后流动站工作,现任职于南京信息工程大学。目前主要从事数值代数的交叉应用,矩阵优化等问题研究。目前已主持国家级和省部级项目四项,在SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., SIAM. Optim.等期刊上发表学术论文30余篇。



