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学术报告:Generalized gravity model for human migration

      SpeakerDr. Hye Jin Park

                       The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology

Title:  Generalized gravity model for human migration

       Time:30 Oct 2019, 16:00


Abstract: The gravity model (GM) analogous to Newton’s law of universal gravitation has successfully described the flow between different spatial regions, such as human migration, traffic flows, international economic trades, etc. This simple but powerful approach relies only on the ‘mass’ factor represented by the scale of the regions and the ‘geometrical’ factor represented by the geographical distance. However, when the population has a subpopulation structure distinguished by different attributes, the estimation of the flow solely from the coarse-grained geographical factors in the GM causes the loss of differential geographical information for each attribute. To exploit the full information contained in the geographical information of subpopulation structure, we generalize the GM for population flow. As a concrete example, we examine the marriage patterns between the bride and the groom clans of Korea in the past. By exploiting more refined geographical and clan information, the generalized GM properly describes the real data, a part of which could not be explained by the conventional GM. Therefore, I would like to emphasize the necessity of using our generalized version of the GM, when the information on such nongeographical subpopulation structures is available.

Speaker  Introduction:Hye Jin Park博士现为马克斯普朗克学会进化生物学研究所进化理论系的博士后,研究方向包括生物数学、计算生物学以及计算模型在复杂性科学中的应用。她于2016年取得韩国成均馆大学统计物理学博士学位,因为她博士期间的出色工作,被韩国物理学会授予“青年统计物理学家奖”,也是该奖项第一位女性获得者。



