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学术报告:Successive Minima and Slopes of Hermitian Line Bundles

       SpeakerDr. Francois Ballay

                       Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research

Title:     Successive Minima and Slopes of Hermitian Line Bundles

       Time:20 Nov 2019, 10:30


Abstract:    Let X be an arithmetic variety, that is a projective and flat integral scheme over Spec(Z). A conjecture of Huayi Chen relates two invariants associated to a hermitian line bundle on X, namely its essential minimum and its asymptotic maximal slope. In this talk, I will define these invariants and present a proof of the conjecture. If time permits, I will discuss applications to Geometry of Numbers.

 Speaker  Introduction:Francois Ballay 博士2011年在法国勃艮第大学获数学学士学位,2013年在里昂一大获数学硕士学位,2017年在巴黎七大陈华一教授和克莱蒙-费朗大学 Eric Gaudron 教授共同指导下获数学博士学位,2018年起为北京大学北京国际数学研究中心博士后。他主要从事数论、代数几何、丢番图几何和 Arakelov 几何的研究,特别是射影簇的丢番图逼近、交换代数群上对数线性型、有理点、代数与算术几何中的正性、Seshadri 常数等。


