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学术报告:Similarity of Quadratic Forms Over Global Fields in Characteristic 2

       Speaker Dr. Zhengyao Wu

                         Shantou University

Title:    Similarity of Quadratic Forms Over Global Fields in Characteristic 2

       Time:04 Dec 2019, 10:30


Abstract:    Let K be a global function field of characteristic 2. For each non-trivial place v of K, let K_v be the completion of K at v. We show that if two non-degenerate quadratic forms are similar over every K_v , then they are similar over K. This provides an analogue of the version for characteristic not 2 previously obtained by T.Ono. 

 Speaker  Introduction:吴正尧,汕头大学数学系讲师,2007年获复旦大学数学学士,2010年获中国科学院大学数学硕士,2016年获美国埃默里大学数学博士学位。主要从事数论中二次型方面的研究,已在《Journal of Algebra》、《Proceeding of American Mathematic Society》等杂志发表多篇论文,目前正主持国家基金一项。




