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【学术报告】On generalized q-connected sum and q-restricted sum formula

SpeakerProf. Zhong Zhanliang

          Fuzhou University

Title: On generalized q-connected sum and q-restricted sum formula

Time30th, Nov., 2020, 10:00

Location实验楼105 (线下


Some particular multiple zeta values or sums of multiple zeta value can be expressed as integrals in one or two variables. It provided a way to reprove theorems such as sum relation or the more general restricted sum formula of multiple zeta values. Based on the representation of the iterated integral of the n-tail of the multiple zeta value, the double tails of multiple zeta values was introduced and studied by Akhilesh. Then Seki and Yamamoto introduced the connected sum in order to give a new proof of the Ohno relation for q-analog of multiple zeta values. In this talk, we establish a duality relation among the generalized q-connected sum. The proof of such duality relies only on a crucial summation-identity, together with some of its consequences. Then we present the sum formula of n-tail of q-multiple zeta values and use the similar argument to reprove the well-known q-restricted sum formula of q-multiple zeta values.

Speaker Introduction

钟展良 (Chan-Liang Chung),男,福州大学数计学院副教授;2013年获台湾中正大学数学研究所理学博士,毕业后在台湾数学所以及统计所从事博士后研究,2018年作为福建省紧缺急需人才引进到福州大学;研究方向为数论与组合中的multiple zeta functionspolynomial sequenceshomomorphic decryption,特别是一类多重zeta函数值的代数结构与求和公式,已在《J. Number Theory》等杂志发表十余篇论文。



