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【学术报告】Extrapolation for multilinear compact operators and applications

报告人:曹明明(西班牙国家科学院 数学科学研究所)

时  间:11116:00

地  点:腾讯会议APP(线上)

会议ID770 833 959(无设置密码)


We will study the Rubio de Francia extrapolation for multilinear compact operators. It allows one to extrapolate the compactness of T from just one space to the full range of weighted spaces, whenever an m-linear operator T is bounded on weighted Lebesgue spaces.This result is indeed established in terms of the multilinear Muckenhoupt weights Ap,r, and the limited range of the Lp scale. To show extrapolation theorems above, by means of a new weighted Fréchet-Kolmogorov theorem, we present the weighted interpolation for multilinear compact operators. As applications, we obtain the weighted compactness of commutators of many multilinear operators, including multilinear ω-Calderón-Zygmund operators, multilinear Fourier multipliers, bilinear rough singular integrals and bilinear Bochner-Riesz means. Beyond that, we establish the weighted compactness of higher order Calderón commutators, and commutators of Riesz transforms related to Schrödinger operators.


曹明明于20187月在北京师范大学取得博士学位。自2018年9月起在中山大学数学博士后流动站工作半年,并获得2018年博士后科学基金项目。随后,他又先后获得了西班牙国家科学院的Severo Ochoa博士后项目和西班牙政府提供的Juan de la Cierva-Formación博士后项目,从2019年4月2022年8月,在J.M. Martell的指导下进行调和分析,偏微分方程与几何测度论的交叉研究。目前已在J. Funct. Anal.J. Geom. Anal., J. Fourier Anal. Appl. Rev. Mat. Iberoam.等国内外重要期刊发表15篇学术论文。




