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Name: Shaobin Tan

Title: Full Professor

Position: Dean

Education: Ph.D.


Contact Number: 0592-2580606

Office: Room C618, Mathematical Sciences Building, Hai Yun Campus


May 2001: Postdoctoral Fellow, Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto, Canada

May 1998: Ph.D., Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

June 1988: Master's Degree, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing

July 1983: Bachelor's Degree, Department of Mathematics, Xiangtan University, China

Work Experience

November 2017 - Present: Dean, School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University

August 1998 - Present: Associate Professor, Professor, Distinguished Professor, Xiamen University

January 2013 - September 2020:  Associate Vice President, Director, Office of International Cooperation and Exchange Office, Xiamen University

January 2008 - January 2013: Director, Office of Academic Affairs, Xiamen University

August 2001 - May 2002: Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, USA

March 1999 - June 1999: Visiting Scholar, University of British Columbia, Canada

July 2000 - May 2001: Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, York University, Canada

July 1988 - October 1993: Associate Researcher, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing

July 1983 - August 1985: Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Xiangnan College, Chenzhou, Hunan

Organizing Academic Events:

1.  Eighth National Conference on Lie Algebra, Xiamen, July 29-August 2, 2003, Chair of the Organizing Committee.

2. International Conference on Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory, Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, July 19-23, 2004, Committee Member.

3. Ninth National Algebra Conference, Huangshan, October 9-15, 2004, Committee Member.

4. Ninth National Conference on Lie Algebra, Harbin, July 2005, Chair of the Academic Committee.

5. Tenth National Algebra Conference, Xiamen, October 2006, Chair of the Organizing Committee.

6. "International Conference on Algebra (In honor of Prof. Zhexian Wan’s 80th Birthday)" at Tsinghua University, Beijing, August 18-20, 2007, Committee Member.

7. Tenth National Conference on Lie Algebra, Changshu, Jiangsu, July 2007, Committee Member.

8. Eleventh National Algebra Conference, Zhangjiajie, Hunan, October 2008, Committee Member.

9. Eleventh National Conference on Lie Algebra, Guiyang, Guizhou, July 2009, Committee Member.

10. Twelfth National Algebra Conference, Lanzhou, Gansu, July 2010, Committee Member.

11. Twelfth National Conference on Lie Algebra, Huzhou, Zhejiang, July 2011, Committee Member.

12. Fifteenth National Conference on Algebra, Nanning, Guangxi, July 2019, Chair of the Program Committee.

Research Interests:

Kac-Moody Algebras; Vertex Operator Representations; Vertex Algebras; Extended Affine Lie Algebras and related topics; Nonlinear Evolution Equations.


1.  Fifth Fujian Province Youth Science and Technology Award in 2000.

2. Outstanding Young Teacher Program of the Ministry of Education in 2001.

3. Xiamen Top Talent in 2003 and 2010.

4. Outstanding Teacher of Xiamen in 2004.

5. Key Talent of Xiamen in 2004.

6. Second Prize for Teaching Achievements in Fujian Province in 2009 (Second place).

7. Baogang Excellent Teacher Award in 2011.

8. Second Prize for Natural Science of Fujian Province in 2014.

9. Second Prize for National Teaching Achievements in 2014.

10. Second Prize for National Teaching Achievements in 2018.


1. National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Project (12131018), Principal Investigator, 2.52 million RMB, 2022/1 – 2026/12.

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project (11971397), Participant, 520,000 RMB, 2020/1 – 2023/12.

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project (11471268), Principal Investigator, 650,000 RMB, 2015/1 – 2018/12.

4. National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project (11371024), Participant, 500,000 RMB, 2014/1 – 2017/12.

5. National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Project (10931006), Principal Investigator, 1.5 million RMB, 2010/1 – 2013/12.

6. "Minjiang Scholar" Distinguished Professor of Fujian Province, 2 million RMB, 2008/7 – 2011/7.

7. National Natural Science Foundation of China (10671160), Principal Investigator, 280,000 RMB, 2007/1 – 2009/12.

8. National Natural Science Foundation of China (10371100), Principal Investigator, 160,000 RMB, 2004/1 – 2006/12.

9. National Natural Science Foundation of China (10071061), Principal Investigator, 105,000 RMB, 2001/1 – 2003/12.

10. Excellent Young Teacher Program Ministry of Education, Principal Investigator, 40,000 RMB, 2002/1 -2004/12.

Selected Publications:

62. Fulin Chen, Shaobin Tan, Nina Yu, Extended affine Lie algebras, equivariant Phi-coordinated quasi-modules, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 259(2024), 347-400.

61. Fulin Chen, Xin Huang, Shaobin Tan, Howe duality in the toroidal setting, Journal of Algebra, 639(2024), 23-59.

60. Naihuan Jing, Fei Kong, Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Deforming vertex algebras by vertex bialgebras, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 26(2024), Paper No. 2250067.

59. Hongyan Guo, Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Trigonometric Lie algebras, affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras, and equivariant quasi modules for vertex algebras, Journal of Algebra, 636(2023), 42-74.

58. Fulin Chen, Yun Gao, Shaobin Tan, Realizations of A^(1)_1-modules in category \tilde O. Representation Theory of AMS, 27(2023), 149-176.

57. Fulin Chen, Naihuan Jing, Fei Kong, Shaobin Tan. Twisted quantum affinization and quantization of extended affine Lie algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 (2023), 969-1039.

56. Fulin Chen, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Nina Yu, On toroidal vertex algebras, Subseries of Symposia and Topic Studies, World Scientific Publishing, 16(2023), 129-144.

55. Fulin Chen, Xiaoling Liao, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, (G, X_\phi)-equivariant \phi-coordinated quasi modules for vertex algebras. Journal of Algebra, 590(2022), 26-60.

54. Fulin Chen, Naihuan Jing, Fei Kong, Shaobin Tan , On quantum toroidal algebra of type A1. J of Pure and Applied Algebra, 226(2022), Paper No. 106814, 17 pp.

53. Fulin Chen, Xiaoling Liao, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Vertex algebras and extended affine Lie algebras coordinated by rational quantum tori.  J of Algebra, 569(2021), 111-142.

52. Fulin Chen, Zhiqiang Li, Shaobin Tan, Classification of integrable representations for toroidal extended affine Lie algebras. J of Algebra, 574(2021), 1-37.

51. Fulin Chen, Naihuan Jing, Fei Kong, Shaobin Tan, Twisted toroidal Lie algebras and Moody-Rao-Yokonuma presentation, Science China Mathematics, 64(2021), 1181-1200.

50. Naihuan Jing, Fei Kong, Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, (G, \Chi_\phi)equivariant \phi-coordinated quasi modules for nonlocal vertex algebras, Journal of Algebra, 570(2021), 24-74.

49. Fulin Chen, Naihuan Jing, Fei Kong, Shaobin Tan, Drinfeld type presentations of loop algebras, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 373(2020), 7713-7753.

48. Zhiqiang Li, Shaobin Tan, Verma modules for rank two Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra, Science China Mathematics, 63(2020), 1259-1270

47. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Trigometric Lie algebras, affine Lie algebras, and vertex algebras, Advances in Mathematics, 363(2020), 106985, 34pp.

46. Hongyan Guo, Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, q-Virasoro algebra and affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra, 534(2019), 168-189

45. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, \Phi-cooedinated modules for nonlocal vertex algebras, Journal of Algebra, 533(2019), 283-321.

44. Fulin Chen, Zhiqing Li, Shaobin Tan, Integrable representations for toroidal extended affine Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra, 519(2019), 228-252.

43. Fulin Chen, Naihuan Jing, Fei Kong, Shaobin Tan, Twisted quantum affinizations and their vertex representations. Journal of Mathematical Physics, no. 8, 59(2018), 081701, 13pp

42. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Ding-Iohara algebra and quantum vertex algebras, Journal of Algebra, 511(2018), 182-214.

41. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, A certain Clifford-like algebra and quantum vertex algebras, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 216(2016), 441-470.

40. Fei Kong, Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Twisted modules for toroidal vertex algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied   Algebra, 220(2016), 1681-1706.

39. Fulin Chen, Yun Gao, Naihuan Jing, Shaobin Tan, Twisted vertex operators and unitary Lie algebras, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 67(2015), 573-596.

38. Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Chengkang Xu,  On Whittaker modules for a Lie algebra arising from the 2-dimensional torus, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 273(2015), 147-167.

37. Hongyan Guo, Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, q-Virasoro algebra and vertex algebra, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 219(2015), 1258-1277.

36. Yanan Lin, Binyong Sun, Shaobin Tan, MVW-extensions of quaternionic classical  groups, Math. Zeit. 277(2014), 81-89.

35. Hongyan Guo, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Some categories of modules for toroidal Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra, 401(2014), 125-143.

34. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, On vertex Leibniz algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 217(2013), 2356-2370.

33. Fulin Chen, Shaobin Tan, Integrable Representations for Extended Affine Lie Algebras Coordinated by Quantum tori, Journal of Lie Theory, 23, 2(2013), 383-405.

32. Xiufu Zhang, Shaobin Tan, Unitary Representations for the Schrodinger-Virasoro Lie Algebra, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 12, 1(2013), 1250132.

31. Xiufu Zhang, Shaobin Tan, \theta-Unitary Representations for the W-algebra W(2,2), Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 60, 5(2012), 533-543.

30. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Toroidal Vertex Algebras and Their Modules, Journal of Algebra, 365(2012), 50-82.

29. Xuewu Chang, Shaobin Tan, A Class of Irreducible integrable Modules for the Extended Baby TKK Algebra, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 252, 2(2011), 293-312.

28. Xiufu Zhang, Shaobin Tan, Haifeng Lian, Whittaker Modules for The Schrodinger-Witt Algebra, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.51, 8(2010), 083524.

27. Xiaoli Kong, Shaobin Tan, Irreducible Representations for the Baby Tits-Kantor-Koecher Algebra, Communications in Algebra, Vol.38, 6(2010), 2177-2183.

26. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Twisted modules for quantum vertex algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 214(2010), 201-220

25. Shaobin Tan, Xiufu Zhang, Automorphisms and Verma modules for Generalized Schrodinger-Virasoro algebras, Journal of Algebra, 322(2009), 1379-1394

24. Weiqiang Lin, Shaobin Tan, Graded modules over the $q$-analog Virasoro-like algebra, Algebra and Representation Theory, 11, 6(2008), 505-517

23. Qing Wang, Shaobin Tan, First Cohomology Group from the Virasoro-like Algebra to its Larsson Functor Module, Communications on Algebra, 35, 12(2007), 4163-4174

22. Qing Wang, Shaobin Tan, Quasifinite modules of a Lie algebra related to Block type, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 211, 3(2007), 596-608

21. Haifeng Lian, Shaobin Tan, Structure and representations for a class of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, J. Algebra, 307, 2(2007), 804-828

20. Xinhui Mao, Shaobin Tan, Vertex operator representations for TKK algebras, J. Algebra, 308, 2(2007), 704-733

19. Weiqiang Lin, Shaobin Tan, Harish-Chandra modules for the q-analog Virasoro-like algebra, J. Algebra, 297(2006), 254-272

18. Weiqiang Lin, Shaobin Tan, Nonzero level Harish-Chandra modules over the Virasoro-like algebra, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra, 204(2006), 90-105

17. Min Xue, Weiqiang Lin, Shaobin Tan, Central extension, derivations and automorphism group for Lie algebras arising from 2-dimensional torus, J. Lie Theory, 16(2006), No.1, 139-153

16. Weiqiang Lin, Shaobin Tan, Central extensions and derivations of the Lie algebras of skew derivations for the quantum torus, Commun. Algebra, 33(2005), 3919-3938

15. Naihuang Jing, Kailash, Misra, Shaobin Tan, Bosonic realizations of higher-level toroidal Lie algebras, Pacific Journal of Math., 219(2005), 285-301

14. Weiqiang Lin, Shaobin Tan, Representations of the Lie algebra of derivations for quantum torus, Journal of Algebra, 275(2004), 250-274

13. Stephen Berman, Yun Gao, Shaobin Tan, A unified view on vertex operator construction, Israel Journal of Math. 134(2003), 29-60

12. Stephen Berman, Chongying Dong, Shaobin Tan, Representations of a class of lattice type vertex algebras, J. Pure. Appl. Algebra, 176(2002),27-47.

11. Stephen Berman, Elizabeth Jurisich, Shaobin Tan, Beyond Borcherds Lie algebras and inside, Transactions of Amer. Math.Soc., 353(2001), 1183-1219

10. Shaobin Tan, TKK algebras and vertex operator representations, Journal of Algebra, 211(1999), 298-342

9. Shaobin Tan, Principal construction of the toroidal Lie algebra of type $A_1$, Math. Zeit. 230(1999), 621-657.

8. Stephrn Berman, ShaobinTan, A note on embeddings of some Lie algebras defined by matrices, Contemporary Mathematics of Amer. Math. Soc., 248(1999), 31-38

7. Shaobin Tan, Vertex operator representations for toroidal Lie algebras of type $B_l$, Commun. Algebra, 27(1999), 3598-3618

6. Boling Guo, Shaobin Tan, Long time behavior for equation of finite-depth fluids, Commun. Math. Phys. 163(1994), 1-15

5. Shaobin Tan, Linghai Zhang, On weak solution of the mixed nonlinear Schrodinger equations, J. Math. Anal. and Appl., 182(1994), 409-421

4. Boling Guo, Shaobin Tan, Global smooth solution for nonlinear evolution equation of Hirota type, Science China A, 35A(1992), 1425-1433

3. Boling Guo, Shaobin Tan, On smooth solutions to the initial value problem for the mixed nonlinear Schrodinger equations, Proc. of the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh, 119A(1991), 34-45

2. Boling Guo, Shaobin Tan, Global smooth solution for a coupled nonlinear wave equations, Math. Meth. in the Appl. Sci. 14(1991), 419-425

1. Yulin Zhou, Boling Guo, Shaobin Tan, Existence and uniqueness of smooth solution for system of ferro-magnetic chain, Science China A, 34A(1991), 257-266
