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Asymptotic Expansions of Solutions of the Yamabe Equation and the sigma-k Yamabe Equation near Isolated Singular Points

Speaker:Qing Han(University of Notre Dame

Time:2019-03-15 10:00

Location:Conference Room 108 at Experiment Building at Haiyun Campus

Abstract: We study asymptotic behaviors of positive solutions to the Yamabe equation the sigma-k Yamabe equation near isolated singular points establish expansions up to arbitrary orders. Such results generalize an earlier pioneering work by Caffarelli, Gidas, Spruck, a work by Korevaar, Mazzeo, Pacard, Schoen, on the Yamabe equation, a work by Han, Li, Teixeira on the sigma-k Yamabe equation. The proof is based on a study of the linearized operators at radial solutions, following an approach adopted by Korevaar et al.
